Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Danny and Chris!

BIRTHDAY BOY NO. 1 (Dec 15): DANNY DE CHEF, the teacher, friend, brother, father, and ehem...the future "pastor!" - so we pray.
Danny runs a canteen, "Mila's Eatery," located at Gen. OrdoƱez Street, Marikina City. Go visit the place and have a taste of the best bopis in town! He is involved in the children's ministry. He feeds kids with his best food and with the word of God!

BIRTHDAY BOY NO. 2 (Dec 21): CHRIS THE ATHLETE, the singer (choir member yan!), guitarist, dancer, cyclist, swimmer, waaaaah - in short the hyperactive!!!Being involved in a travel agency, Chris is a traveller himself! (Eh hyperactive nga eh!)
Watch out for this man because he is about to rock the church with his desire to be used as God's vessel! This man is ready to serve and use his talents all for the glory of God!

Happy Birthday to you Danny and Chris! We love you!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Tagaytay Retreat, Nov 30 to Dec 31, 2007

Sienna Cell Group had an awesome encounter with the Lord during the recently held retreat at the rest house of Malang, the well-known Filipino Painter, in Tagaytay. Thanks to Steve Santos, Malang's son, and a close friend of Monty's, who was truly a blessing. He warmly accommodated us in their beautiful "fully-airconditioned" 4-storey house. He even gave us a tour around the nearby tourist spots!

Truly, God moved upon each of us. He revealed and confirmed a lot of things. It is by God's grace that finally the group's desire to start a ministry has been confirmed as in accordance to His will. The vision, mission, objectives and plans have been plotted out and now are ready for presentation.

And the name of the ministry shall be:

C - Couples
O- On the move in
U- Unity to
P- Pray
L- Love
E- Encourage and
S- Share

Colosians 2:2 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ.

A Glimpse of what transpired:


For several years, the Sienna Cell Group has been praying for a ministry which would involve each and every member of the team. Although some of us are already involved in different ministries in the church, our desire is to be in one common way of service with a common goal and set of objectives.

A very significant challenge by Kim Burdick to Sienna Cell group during its 8th year anniversary celebration on September 23, 2007, ignited the spirit of the Sienna couples to strengthen the existing Couples Ministry.

The group was encouraged to pray for wisdom and confirmation of God’s will. This led to a month-long series of weekly meetings of praise, worship and prayer. God further revealed many things like:
· Confession of sins to and forgiveness for one another
· Prayer for the body of Christ
· Empowerment of couples, seeking God’s power and anointing
· Individual Consecration
· Affirmation of the group’s prayer and desire

The challenge: sharing the joy, the inspiring experiences and the bonding activities of Sienna couples as they live a Christ-centered life. This will indeed be an encouragement among the couples of Faith Fellowship Aurora (FFA).

Spirit-filled couples, empowered to love, serve, and witness for Christ.

The Couples Ministry seeks to encourage other couples and strengthen their spiritual lives, as well as that of their families by meeting together, uplifting one another, equipping with God’s Word, and witnessing for Christ.

The Couples Ministry aims to:
· strengthen the relationships of couples
· build strong families serving and witnessing for God’s kingdom and glory
· win the hearts of spouses who are not yet in the cell group and not members of FFA and eventually join the fellowship and provide couples the opportunity to be involved in various ministries

A. To Strengthen relationship of couples
· A weekend to remember (for couples)
· Recovery Programs
· Usapang Mag-asawa
· Counseling programs

B. Build strong families, serving and witnessing for God’s kingdom and glory
· Family Day/sports fest
· Witnessing
· Cell group

C. Win the hearts of spouses who are not yet members of FFA and eventually join the fellowship
· Call centers
· Mailers
· Texters
· Home visitation
· Hosting

D. Provide couples the opportunity to be involved in various ministries
· Leadership training
· Spiritual gifts discovery

Friday, November 16, 2007

Does Prayer Really Work?

Does Prayer Really Work? BS -November 9, 2007, Attendance - 13


Unanswered prayer is a major obstacle that stands in the way of a life of true faith.
- People have lost their faith because of unanswered prayer.
- Some turned to horoscopes, psychics, etc.
- Others focus on materialistic things.
- We agree that prayer is important but we secretly wonder:
a. Does GOD really hear me when I pray?
b. Why is prayer so boring and fruitless for me?
c. Shouldn’t I expect my prayers to be answered?
d. Is GOD mad at me? Is that why He doesn’t answer me?
- The greatest difficulty in most believers' experience is their prayer lives.

Unanswered prayer can lead to these results:

We feel abandoned and isolated from GOD, imagining that HE doesn’t care about our problems. As a result, we begin to doubt HIS love for us and see HIM as someone who is against us.

We question GOD’s character and integrity.We begin to distrust HIM , eroding our basis for belief and causing our relationship with to suffer.

We feel as if our lives are very unsettled and unstable. We may ask, Can I really depend on GOD? What can I really count on in regard to prayer? Then we begin to rely on ourselves, or other people, groups or beliefs instead of appropriating the power and promises of GOD to meet our needs.

We come to premature conclusions about ourselves and prayers. We conclude that our prayers are not being answered because we lack faith. This means, that we don’t understand the principles and truths concerning prayer that GOD has given us in HIS word for our benefit.

We doubt our calling as GOD’s intercessors. We begin to think “answered prayer must be only for the super natural Christians”. Thus, we abandon a major purpose of GOD for our lives.

When we experience these consequences of unanswered prayer, we are tempted to ask the question posed in JOB 21:15, “What would we gain by praying to HIM?”. But the real question is ‘ What are we losing by not praying to GOD?”

A great many believers don’t have successful prayer lives- and successful lives in general- because they simply don’t know how or why to pray.

Many Christians today are experiencing powerlessness, lack of direction, little victory over sin, poor spiritual progress, a weak witness, unfruitful ministry, poverty and other similar problems because they don’t know hoe or why to pray.

Christians know certain principles of prayer, but are not fulfilling their full potential as intercessors because they don’t understand key aspects of prayer.

Prayer is not just an activity, a ritual, an obligation. Nor is it begging GOD to do what we want HIM to do. It is communion and communication with GOD that touches HIS heart. When you understand the principles of the art of prayer, you will begin to communicate with GOD with power, grace and confidence.

Prayer has the power to transform lives, change circumstances, give peace, and perseverance in the midst of trials, alter course of nations, and win the world for Christ.

The power of prayer is the inheritance of the believer.

To understand prayer, we need to recognize the following:

Prayer activity that does not bring results is an indication that something is wrong. When prayer isn’t answered, the Word of GOD generally provides an indication of why it was not answered, gives insight into the kind of prayers GOD responds to and points out what can stall our prayers.

Every prayer based on the Word of GOD and offered in faith by a person who is in right relationship with GOD is answered. GOD answers as soon as we ask and He reveals those answers in HIS timing. That is why Jesus told his disciples that they should always pray and not give up, Luke 18:1.

GOD is faithful to answer prayer. Read Mark 11:24
GOD’s will and Word do work when they are understood and put into practice. Learn how to pray in a way that embodies the truths and principles of prayer GOD has given us in His Word.
True prayer will do the following:
1. build intimacy with GOD
2. bring honor to HIS nature and character
3. cause respect for HIS integrity
4. cause a trust in HIS love
5. enable belief in HIS Word
6. Affirm HIS purposes and will
7. appropriate HIS promises

GOD is loving and gracious. He knows we have a limited understanding of Himself and His ways, and that we struggle with our fallen nature. That is why He will at times answer our prayers even when they are weak and full of doubt. However, he wants us to grow and mature. He does not want to leave us in weaknesses and uncertainty. He wants us to enter into HIS purposes, because that is where we can truly be children of our heavenly Father, work together with HIM, and live the abundant life Christ came to give us (John 10:10). Therefore, at times , He will withhold answers to prayer so we will seek HIM.

Praying without understanding and applying the truths and principles of prayers in ineffective.

Prayer is meant to be answered or else GOD would not ask us to pray.

He is not interested is wasting your time and efforts. He is too practical for that. He is interested in results, not just “many words” (matt, 6:7) spoken in prayer. Jesus didn’t pray without expecting to be heard, read John 11:41-42

We need to pray as Jesus prayed.

Questions to Cell members:

How often do I pray?
Is prayer a mystery to me?
Are there aspects of prayer that are confusing or unclear to me?
Have I experienced unanswered prayer?
How has that made me feel about prayer, about GOD, and about myself?
Am I experiencing powerlessness, lack of direction, little victory over sin, poor spiritual progress, a weak witness , unfruitful ministry, poverty, or other similar problems?
How would answered prayer make a difference in my life?

BS led by Elmer, Nov 9, 2007, Attendance - 13

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Men of Faith in Action!

Preparing to Pray - BS October 31, 2007, Attendance - 15

Ten Steps To Preparedness in Prayer

1. Appropriate God’s Grace Leviticus 16:3 – 11
Acknowledge God’s Holiness, turn away from your sins and be cleansed through the blood of Christ. Ask the following questions:

a. Am I in a position to approach GOD in Holiness?
b. Have I examined my own life?
c. Have I been involved in things that are contrary to His word and His law of love?

Read Hebrew 10:25. This is a command.
Read Malachi 3:8-10 Asking for Financial Blessing without tithing.
Read 1 John 1:9 God’s faithfullnes to forgive sins.
Read Isiah 59:2 Iniquities
Read Psalm 19:12 Hidden sins
Read Psalm 103: 11-12 God’s promised on forgiveness.
Read Hebrew 7:27; 1 John 1:7
GOD is serious about holiness and obedience. We can’t live in sin and unbelief if we want our prayers answered.

2. Put on Rightneousness

The priest was to wear the right clothes- the clothes God said to wear. Ephesians 4:24
Why was the priest to wear Linen? Linen is a fabric that breathes, there was to be no perspiration in God’s presence, Why? It is because sweat represents rebellion against GOD, read Gen 3:17-19.
Sweat represents any attempt to reach GOD on our own merits. It means trying to work ourselves into God’s presence.
Isaiah 61:10 when we put on God’s righteousness, we can rejoice before the lord.

3. Put on Truth and Honesty

Be Transparent and clean before the Lord, desiring truth in the innermost parts and living with integrity.
Leviticus 16:4 He is to tie the linen sash around him. The sash covers the most delicate areas of your life, the parts you don’t like to talk about. The secret life only you know about. Read Psalm 51:6; Ephesians 6:14; Psalm 24:3-4

4. Cleanse with Word

Before you come before GOD, make sure that you’ve read the WORD, that the WORD is in you, and that you are obeying the WORD.
Leviticus 16:4 . These are sacred garments; so he must bathe himself with water before he puts them on.
Read John 15:3; John 17:17; Ephesians 5: 25-26 Psalm 119:9-11
You need to make sure your are in the word when you come before GOD, that the word is in you and that you are obeying the word. Otherwise, you will enter God’s presence with your own Ideas and attitudes.
Collosians 3:9
You become what you listen to. You become what you think. You become what's in your mind. If your mind is filled with the Word of GOD, then you will start becoming what it says. It will wash you.

5. Worship and Praise GOD

Honor and worship GOD in spirit and in truth (John 4:19-24), acknowledging HIM as your All in All.
Leviticus 16:12-13 Incense is the symbol of worship.

6. Separate Yourself

Remove yourself from your normal environment, activities and distractions. Find the place in GOD where He meets you by coming to him with the right heart, attitude and motives.
Leviticus 16:17
Jeremiah 29:13
God has prepared a place in HIM just for you, and you need to enter that place. If your heart, your attitude or your motives aren’t right – if there are things in your life that aren’t right – GOD says, "You are not yet in the place where I want to be."
When you make it to that place in GOD, everybody will know it because you are sparkling, Isaiah 58:8

7. Believe

Have faith in God’s power to do what He has promised and in the effectiveness of Christ’s sacrifice.
Leviticus 16: 18-19
Horn represent Power.
When you feel spiritually dry, when you are not experiencing God’s power, examine your life. Check to see if you are right with God.
Hebrew 7:27; Romans 3:25; Hebrew 9:11-14; 1 john 2;2

8. Give God the Glory

Confess that GOD is the ONE who accomplished your atonement, forgiveness, and reconciliation with HIM and is worthy to be praised. Give to Others out of the abundance GOD has given you.
Leviticus 16:25
Fat is a symbol of glory because fat is excesses.
Read Isiah 42:8 48:11
God loves Glory.

9. Wash in the Word

Ask GOD to fulfill His purposes based on HIS will and the promises of His Word
The first one is for cleansing and the second one is appropriating GOD’s promises.
Leviticus 16;26
Read Philippians 4:6
Wash yourself in the Word by asking GOD to fulfill His purposes based on his will and promises.

10. Remain in the anointing
Remain in a state of preparedness for prayer. Honor the Lord by reflecting His nature and character in your life.
Leviticus 16: 32-34
Remember to Follow his instructions and ways to remain in HIS presence.

BS October 31, 2007 - led by Elmer, Attendance - 15

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sienna's Activities for Nov and Dec 2007

Schedule of Cell group activities for November and December 2007

Oct 31...................................Cell meeting - Bible Study

..............................................Presentation of First Draft:
..............................................Vision & objectives re: Proposed Couples Ministry

Nov 2... Fri..... 7pm............. Praise, Worship and Prayer
........7... Wed... 8:30............ Praise, Worship and Prayer
.......9.... Fri..... 7:00............ TGIF
.....14....Wed... 8:30............ Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....16... Fri...... 8:30........... Cell meeting (Bible Study)
.....21....Wed....8:30........... Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....23....Fri......9:00........... Cell meeting (Bible Study)
.....28....Wed...8:30........... Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....30 Fri, 2:00 Brainstorming, Final Drafting, Tagaytay

Dec 5 Wed, 8:30 Thanksgiving
7 Fri, 7:00 TGIF
8 Sat, Presentation of proposal/plan to PJun
14 Fri 9:00 Cell Meeting (BS and evaluation)
15 Sat Kuya Danny's birthday!
21 Fri 9:00 Cell meeting (BS & party planning)
Chris' birthday!
22 Sat 7:00 Sienna - Christmas Party

Monday, October 29, 2007

PRAYER, BS October 26, 2007 Attendance - 15


Why do so many people avoid prayer?
Perhaps it is because the human spirit hates failure and disappointments. It is like putting money into a vendo machine that doesn’t give a can of soft drink. You stand in front of it becoming increasingly frustrated, until you finally kick it and walk away. You also never attempt to use it again.
This is how many people feel about prayer. They have put in too many prayers and have received too few satisfying answers or non at all.

We need to answer the following questions:
What is prayer?
Why doesn’t prayer seem to work?
Why is prayer necessary?
How should we pray?
Why pray to GOD in the name of Jesus?
Why is prayer not always answered the way we expect it?
When should we stop praying?
What role does faith have in the prayer process?
Do we have to “qualify” to pray?
If GOD is sovereign and can do whatever He wishes, then why pray?
Does prayer affect or change destiny?

All of us struggle with prayer..


To understand the principle of prayer, it is necessary to UNDERSTAND THE MIND AND PURPOSE OF THE CREATOR HIMSELF.

Prayer is a result of GOD’s established authority structure between heaven and earth, as well as a product of his faithfulness to His word.

Prayer is as simple as respecting GOD’s authority.

Prayer was born out of GOD’s arrangements for man’s assignment on earth, it happened when the Creator spoke two words during the creation process: “LET THEM”. Read Genesis 1:26-27

Important things to note in these verses:

The creator defined the boundaries of HIS right to legally influence and interfere in the earth realm.
This is based on the principle of God’s integrity and His commitment to His word.
Define the relationship the Creator intended and desired with man and the planet earth.

Why are these so important? Because of the 4 principles:

God’s purpose is more important than our plans.
God has placed His Word even above Himself.
God will never violate or break His word.
God’s holiness is the foundation of His integrity and faithfulness.

These principles are essential to understanding the nature and purpose of prayer. Thus, this makes prayer necessary.

The 1st principle establishes the truth that the Creator’s commitment to His original intent for creation is a priority for HIM and motivates and regulates all His actions. In essence, everything He does is driven by His purposed desire, which never changes. Read following scriptures:

Proverbs 19:21-22
Isaiah 46:10-11
Isaiah 55:11-12
Ephesians 1:11
Hebrew 6:17

Finally, His commitment to his purpose is expressed in these words, Matthew 5:18-19.

a.This means that GOD has eternal uncompromising commitment to His purpose and plans.
b. His commitment to fulfill His purpose will never be at the expense of violating His spoken or written word.
c. It is the commitment to His word that is the basis of the prayer principle.
d. The word of GOD is not just the law for man, for it also called “The Law of GOD”. This means that every word GOD speaks is also a law to Himself. He will subject Himself to His promises and decrees because of His integrity. Read Psalm 119:89-90, Psalm 138:2

Therefore, we can conclude that any Law of GOD is a Law to GOD. He is faithful to His word at all costs. This being clear and understood by us, we can appreciate the implications and impact of these initial words spoken by the Creator at man’s creation:

LET THEM HAVE DOMINION OVER…THE EARTH Gen 1:26. Please take note, He did not say LET US but rather, LET THEM. With this statement, GOD created seven primary laws:

The legal authority to dominate earth was given to mankind only.
God did not include Himself in the legal authority structure over the earth.
Man became the legal steward of the earth domain.
Man is a spirit with a physical body; therefore, only spirits with physical bodies can legally function in the earth realm.
Any spirit without a body is illegal on earth.
Any influence or interference from the supernatural realm on earth is only legal through mankind.
God Himself, who is a Spirit without a physical body, made Himself subject to this law.

The following are the results of these laws, which were established by GOD Himself:

The legal authority on earth is in the hands of humankind.
The Creator, because of His integrity, will not violate the law of His Word.
Nothing will happen in the earth realm without the active or passive permission of man, who is its legal authority.
The Creator and the heavenly beings cannot interfere in the earth realm without the cooperation or permission of mankind.
God must obtain the agreement and cooperation of a person for whatever He desires to do in the earth.

These principles are critical for understanding the nature, power and purpose of prayer. It is from these that we get our definition of prayer.

What is Prayer?
Prayer is man giving God the legal right and permission to interfere in earth’s affairs.
Prayer is a man giving heaven earthly license to influence earth.
Prayer is a terrestrial license for celestial interference.
Prayer is man exercising his legal authority on earth to invoke heaven’s influence on the planet.
Read 2 Chron. 7:14; Luke 18:1-2; Eph 6:17-18; 1 Thess 5:16-19; Matt 16:19-20; Matt 18:18-20

Prayer is therefore not an option for mankind but a necessity. If we don’t pray, heaven cannot interfere in earth’s affair. It is imperative that we take responsibility for the earth and determine what happens here by our prayer lives.

I invite you to discover your power, authority and rights in the earth and to position yourself to become a faith channel for heavenly influence in earth’s affairs.

Remember the Lord’s prayer, Matt 6:9-11.

Heaven needs you.
We need also to study and seek the word
. Read proverbs 2

Assignment: Each cell member to memorize, recite and study at least one verses every cell meeting.
Make a covenant with GOD.

Bible Study led by Elmer, October 26, 2007 Attendance 15
Reference: PRAYER, Dr. Myles Munroe

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Knowledge and Trust, September 28, 2007 Attendance - 12



Habakkuk tells of how he traveled the road from WHY to WONDER then finally to WORSHIP.
As GOD began speaking to Habakkuk, the change in the prophet was dramatic. He began to see with new eyes. Habakkuk 3:17-19
Habakkuk recognizes that times may be good or bad, and circumstances may change but none of these has anything to do with our praise and worship. Our adoration remains constant because GOD is constant.

The Secret of Inner Strength

The story of the trees in the forest: Some are uprooted during the storm and some trees draw on a deep strength from the very foundation and they continue to stand firm. Their roots only dig deeper, their bark only grows thicker.

What is the difference that other people keep praising GOD even when life becomes harsh and cruel? What is the secret?

Consider Habakkuk who passed from tragedy to triumph, from worry to worship, from preoccupation to praise.


Worship is only validated through constancy. We worship and praise GOD even when we are in the valley, when we are in the worst circumstances.
We reach this level of faith when we worship whom we trust and we trust whom we worship.
We can build trust by spending time with GOD. When we spend time with GOD we come to fully know HIM. When we fully know him, the trust gets stronger and stronger. This is the time that you are able to worship GOD in spirit and in truth.

It’s Not What You Know, But Whom You Know

We intensely focus on gaining knowledge about GOD that we miss the knowledge of GOD.

It’s the difference between reading about the vitamins and the taste of beef, than biting into a thick sirloin steak hot off the grill. It’s the difference between knowing facts about GOD and experiencing HIS powerful presence.
To trust GOD, we must know HIM. But to come to know GOD, we must first trust HIM, at least a little bit. Right?
To experience the fullness of worship, we must trust the ONE we worship. And to trust HIM, we must know him.

-Have you felt as if you knew all the facts about GOD but your prayers never passed the ceiling? -Have you ever realized that your quiet time/morning devotion has become a dry bible study rather than a warm visit to your heavenly father.

We need truth and theology. The right information is essential. But above all else, we need relationship.

Reading between the lines

The story of a young lady who loved to read.
-A friend gave her a book, a must read book.
-Initially she found it the worst boring book she read in her life time.
-She attended a party and fell in love with the host
-She later found out that the book was about making a conversation at the party
-The author of the book was the host
- She read the book again and this time, she found it to be the greatest book she has ever read.

It makes a great deal of difference to know someone rather than simply to know his words.

Why would you care reading Habakkuk, Corinthians, the four gospels, the letters of Paul?
You read them because you’ve fallen in love with the ONE responsible for those writings, and it makes all the difference, HIS loving inscription is in our hearts.

Get the Picture

The story of Count Von Zinzendorf, the greatest missionary who ever lived:
- One day he visited a museum of fine art.
- He remained in one spot for 5 hours looking at one artpiece.
- The curator of the museum got concerned and wanted to find out why the man has been staring on one particular piece of art.
- The curator found out that it was a painting of The Holy lamb of God. But what surprised him was that tears were rolling down the man’s cheeks.
- Underneath the painting was this inscription : IF HE CARED THAT MUCH FOR YOU, WHAT SHOULD YOUR CONCERN BE FOR HIM?

He was contemplating on that question for 5 hours. He was lost in the greatness and the love of Christ, who had given His all for him. He was worshipping deeply, profoundly and emotionally.

Count VON was moved because the subject of the canvas/art was already the dearest to him, his Lord, his Master, his great love and his closest friend.

The count knew how to connect with GOD and to praise Him wherever he might be.

Your worship hat must always be worn on your head. A beautiful sky, a friend's smile or a completed task could be all the reason you would need to take a moment in your day for the WONDER OF WORSHIP.

This might be a struggle right now. But trust HIM and you will Know that he is GOD who will not forsake you.
Psalm 9:10

- Elmer, September 28, 2007 Attendance -12

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Looking Back at "Walong Pares sa Ika-Walong Beses"

September 21, 2007 was a really wonderful night for Sienna group... a night to remember.

Thanks to our special guests: Pastor Brent and lovely Kim; Pastors Jun and Ginger (with cute little kiddos Betong and Kulas- pasok ang names sa theme!); Pastor Matty and friend, Ate Alice and Pastor BJay (acted as the official video/camera guy--thanks!). Our honor and privilege to have you with us on this special night.

Food was great! All Filipino, walang itulak-kabigin. Thanks Ate Lani, for the wonderful food mix and match suggestions. Kuya Ogot, your special ampalaya was a blockbuster.

The ambiance...thanks to Ate Cristy and Kuya Ogot's generosity of providing for the venue. Special thanks to Kuya Ogot for his industry and patience for creating a festive atmosphere. I'm sure it wasn't that easy to prepare the "banderitas," having to staple each of the hundreds of colorful flags. Well, it was worth it.. because it created a happy, happy ambiance. Kim loved it very much. Of course each of us did! It is well appreciated.

Our emcees, Jun and Joy, good job, no practice but managed to let the program flow smoothly. Adlibs were appropriate and fun! Pero kung binasaya sana, perfect na intawon!!!

The presentations:
Women... good job, good job! You have just been booked for a repeat performance of that wonderful "Paru-parong Bukid" dance. Thanks to Beth, our choreographer, for the beautiful steps. The women had fun during the rehearsals and even in the actual performance. It showed in their smiling faces and in fact the guests loved it!

Men... that was a great wacky performance! Great singers and actors! Thanks to Cris for the compositions! "Talentado ka talaga!" Guys you looked funny yet so handsome, your wives are just so proud of you!

Re the booking, we have just been invited to dance in the January welcome party of the Burdicks for some special relatives who are about to arrive early next year. The men are of course enjoined to dance with the women this time. We'll see if we can have Pastor Brent and Kim dance with us, too. They're willing to try, so they say! So, ihanda ang stock na Flanax, para di manakit ang mga buto!

Other highlights...

Pastor Matty's surprise Birthday greetings and cake: Teary-eyed she was, but managed to thank the group for the support, and loyalty to one another. Challenge is for the cell to grow and reach out to others.

Pastor Brent expressed his admiration to each of the members for being faithful to each other, and made special mention of the handsome pairs of red pants the men were wearing. Please take note of it... now we don't have to think of what to give him on Christmas!

Kim managed to give a Filipino message in the beginning (tongue-twisted though), and having the permission to continue in English, expressed how she appreciates our special bonding towards one another and gave the challenge to inspire and influence other cell groups to have the same joyful spirit in them so as to stay stronger together in God's glory. So, let's not keep the joy to ourselves...spread it. Let's create an outbreak!

Our beloved love team, Pastors Jun and Ginger thanked everyone for the support they have been receiving from the beginning. Our response to you, our dear pastors, "Please remember you are part of the group, and it's always a joy to serve and be by your side. You have been a wonderful blessing to Sienna."

Our cell leader, Elmer, closed with a commitment (take note!) that each of the 16 members, especially the men, are now spiritually mature and ready to serve in whatever ministry the Lord has in store for the group. "Be ready guys, surely the Lord has great plans for us. We are actually long overdue! Let's start working!"

For our vision and mission... just keep tuned! Talk about it on the next blog. But first, thanks to Ate Chic and Kuya Romy for sharing their insights...

The Games!
Not to were great... thanks Ate Aida for providing the fun games, the mechanics, the props and the prizes! Bless you... bless you!!!
Fun fun fun!
Maria and Mario went to market! Ang gagandang bakla!!!
Patayan ng kandila: naglabasan ang madadaya! hehehe!
The modified charades! I can still remember how we almost ran out of breath during Kuya Romy's enactment of "Baog na Lamok!" and Ate Aida's "bubuli... what was that again?" Grabe, nakakangawit ng panga! Naglabasan ang mga genio sa hulaan at pahulaan... Kuya Monty, for the talakitok, Elmer- hirap magpahula, Joel ang bilis manghula ng kung anu-ano, Kuya Ogot ang anay na bakla!!! Cris for the quick guesses with matching hampas ng tsinelas, Kuya Jun sa effort for starting this game!!!
Girls... not much of an actor, but great thinkers aren't we? Right, Dahl? heheh!

So to all of us, CHEERS!!! Congratulations for that wonderful celebration of our 8th anniversary.

To God be the glory for He is great and awesome and most worthy of our praises!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Walong Pares sa Ika-Walong Beses

Ika-walong anibersaryo na ng Sienna ngayong Setyembre, 2007 at maligayang ipinagdiriwang ng buong grupo ang masaya at matibay na pagsasamahan ng walong pares na kinabibilangan ng mag-aasawang sina: Monty at Lani Sarabia, Elmer at Joy Rombaoa, Chris at Beth Santos,Joel at Dahlia Alcaraz, Jun at Aida Solano, Romy at Chic Rosalinas, Danny at Mila Tai, Ogot at Cristy Jacobo.

Isang pagsasalu-salo ang gaganapin sa gabi ng ika-21 ng Setyembre, kasama ang mga pastor ng FECP-Aurora. Ihahain ang masasarap na lutuing Pilipino, at idaraos ang kasiyahan na may temang tunay na Pilipino: mga awit, sayaw, harana at iba pa.

Sa ating Panginoong Dakila at Tapat ang aming taos-pusong pasasalamat para sa mga biyaya ng matibay at maligayang samahan.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Principles for Asking, BS August 31, 2007

"I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:13-14

  • Ask in the Spirit. Every request proceeds from the mind of the spirit, not from selfish motives or self-serving ends. Praying in the Spirit is directly related to praying according to His will. (Eph 6:18)
  • Ask according to His will. Our weakness in prayer is that we don't know what we ought to pray for. The Spirit himself intercedes for us in accordance to God's will (Rom 8:26-27). When you do not know what to pray, keep praying and seeking God's direction for your prayer. (1John 5:14-15)
  • Ask with the mind. Your mind helps you form your requests and make them precise and specific. This is one reason to list prayer requests in a notebook. A prayer list keeps your mind from wandering as you pray and enables you to pray specifically and persistently until the answer comes. (1Cor 14:15)
  • Ask in Jesus' name. When you use Jesus' name, you claim to represent Him and act like Him--to have His desires, qualities, gratitude, and outlook. When you prepare to make a request, first ask yourself, "what would Jesus want in this situation?" (John 14:14)
  • Ask while abiding in Christ. Prayer is both a means and a result of abiding in Christ. Continue in constant fellowhip with Him, pray without ceasing, and you obediently accept His will and Word for you. (John 15:7)
  • Ask in faith. Ask without doubt in your heart. Have confidence in God's care and purposes for your life. (Mark 11:22,24)
  • Ask in humility. Recognize your need of God. Submit to God. Understand who God is. Come to God recognizing His greatness and your need. (2 Chron 7:14)
  • Ask in sincerity. Let faith lead you to pray genuine, heartfelt prayers. Let your prayer be earnest and fervent, not fake or artificial. (Jas 5:16)
  • Ask with perseverance. Don't give up! God expects you to persevere in prayer to make sure of what He wants and of what you want. (Eph 6:18)

BS study led by Monty, Aug 31, 2007. Attendance - 8

Friday, August 24, 2007

Wise WHYs of Worship, BS August 24, 2007

Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him...Sing to Him a new song, play skillfully and shout for joy! - Psalm 33:1-3

Why Worship?
  • Worship is an act of obedience - Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name, worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness. Psalm 29:2 We are commanded to worship the Lord for His beauty and holiness, and as children of God who seek to please Him, let us obey and worship Him with all our hearts and souls, for this is what pleases Him. Let our worship come from obedience and a grateful heart.
  • Worship is an act of reverence - You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things and by Your will, they were created and have their being. - Rev 4:11Worship is the proper recognition and celebration of God, returning to Him the glory that He alone deserves and honoring Him with our lives and our words.
  • Worship is an acknowledgement of Christ's sacrifice - The Lord our God made a great holy sacrifice to bring us back to Him and make us His heirs. It is but fitting to thank Him with all our hearts and offer our lives as a living sacrifice. So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us...offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him. This is the true worship that you should offer. -Romans 12:1

  • Worship is a reflection of our lives - Shout with joy to God, all the earth. Sing the glory of His name, make His praise glorious! Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! How great is your power!" Psalm 66:1-3Let our achievements, successes and blessings be for the glory of God. For without Him we are nothing. Every good gift is from above and points back to its source. It is all for the glory of God.

Let us not run short of joy. Let us stock up on it so that our church, homes and workplace are overflowing with joy. Let's drench our everyday lives with joy and the wonder of worship. All we need to do is turn our eyes heavenward and celebrate what we see.


BS Aug 24, 2007 Attendance - 9

FECP Sienna Photo Album

FECP Sienna Cell Group started in September, 1999. The first meeting was attended by Monty and Lani Sarabia, Elmer and Joy Rombaoa, and Beth Santos. In less than a month, Dahlia Alcaraz joined in and very soon Chris Santos, Joel Alcaraz and spouses Jun and Aida Solano followed. Two more couples: Romy and Chic Rosalinas, and Danny and Mila Tai joined in after a few months, and FECP Sienna cell group became complete with all seven pairs meeting regularly on Fridays, 9:00 pm on Sienna Street, Marikina City, recently, with Ogot and Christy Jacobo, as our newest members. Elmer Rombaoa facilitates the study of the Word. Together these group members hold a Christ-centered bond of friendship and brotherhood under God's care and grace. All praises be to our God. Hallelujah!

Worship an Everyday Lifestyle-BS August 10, 2007

Sienna Cell Group Bible Study - August 10, 2007
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I Cor. 16:19-20
God created us for a purpose, and that is to bring Him pleasure. As children of God, it is our duty to live a life that is pleasing to him. "So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" I Cor. 10:31. Anything we do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship.
Dynamics of Worship
Everyday Worship in Solitude - Begin with your personal time with God. "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him." Ps 37:7; Come near to God and He will come near to you." James 4:8. Maintain a personal relationship with the Lord through prayer in solitude. Listen to His voice and obey. Pray without ceasing. Luke 18:1
Everyday Worship in Service - "Become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Glory in Christ Jesus in service to God." Rom 15:16-17. Get involved in ministries; help in the building of God's kingdom; or in whatever you do, just do it for the glory of our Lord.
Everyday Worship in Struggle - In times of struggle, through storms and difficulties, stand firm and know that He is God. "Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4.
Everyday Worship in Sacrifice - Sacrifice some of your time, leisure and self-gratification. Do not conform to the patterns of this world. Rather, "Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship," Rom 12:1.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Rom 12:12.

You are God's TEMPLE ON WHEELS. Wherever you go, whatever you do, let worship be part of you, and let God's light so shine upon you and reflect the glory of God! Make worship your everyday lifestyle.


BS August 10, 2007, Attendance - 13


(1.) God First! (2.) Marriage, (3.) Family (4.) Ministry/workplace (5.) etc.