Monday, October 29, 2007

PRAYER, BS October 26, 2007 Attendance - 15


Why do so many people avoid prayer?
Perhaps it is because the human spirit hates failure and disappointments. It is like putting money into a vendo machine that doesn’t give a can of soft drink. You stand in front of it becoming increasingly frustrated, until you finally kick it and walk away. You also never attempt to use it again.
This is how many people feel about prayer. They have put in too many prayers and have received too few satisfying answers or non at all.

We need to answer the following questions:
What is prayer?
Why doesn’t prayer seem to work?
Why is prayer necessary?
How should we pray?
Why pray to GOD in the name of Jesus?
Why is prayer not always answered the way we expect it?
When should we stop praying?
What role does faith have in the prayer process?
Do we have to “qualify” to pray?
If GOD is sovereign and can do whatever He wishes, then why pray?
Does prayer affect or change destiny?

All of us struggle with prayer..


To understand the principle of prayer, it is necessary to UNDERSTAND THE MIND AND PURPOSE OF THE CREATOR HIMSELF.

Prayer is a result of GOD’s established authority structure between heaven and earth, as well as a product of his faithfulness to His word.

Prayer is as simple as respecting GOD’s authority.

Prayer was born out of GOD’s arrangements for man’s assignment on earth, it happened when the Creator spoke two words during the creation process: “LET THEM”. Read Genesis 1:26-27

Important things to note in these verses:

The creator defined the boundaries of HIS right to legally influence and interfere in the earth realm.
This is based on the principle of God’s integrity and His commitment to His word.
Define the relationship the Creator intended and desired with man and the planet earth.

Why are these so important? Because of the 4 principles:

God’s purpose is more important than our plans.
God has placed His Word even above Himself.
God will never violate or break His word.
God’s holiness is the foundation of His integrity and faithfulness.

These principles are essential to understanding the nature and purpose of prayer. Thus, this makes prayer necessary.

The 1st principle establishes the truth that the Creator’s commitment to His original intent for creation is a priority for HIM and motivates and regulates all His actions. In essence, everything He does is driven by His purposed desire, which never changes. Read following scriptures:

Proverbs 19:21-22
Isaiah 46:10-11
Isaiah 55:11-12
Ephesians 1:11
Hebrew 6:17

Finally, His commitment to his purpose is expressed in these words, Matthew 5:18-19.

a.This means that GOD has eternal uncompromising commitment to His purpose and plans.
b. His commitment to fulfill His purpose will never be at the expense of violating His spoken or written word.
c. It is the commitment to His word that is the basis of the prayer principle.
d. The word of GOD is not just the law for man, for it also called “The Law of GOD”. This means that every word GOD speaks is also a law to Himself. He will subject Himself to His promises and decrees because of His integrity. Read Psalm 119:89-90, Psalm 138:2

Therefore, we can conclude that any Law of GOD is a Law to GOD. He is faithful to His word at all costs. This being clear and understood by us, we can appreciate the implications and impact of these initial words spoken by the Creator at man’s creation:

LET THEM HAVE DOMINION OVER…THE EARTH Gen 1:26. Please take note, He did not say LET US but rather, LET THEM. With this statement, GOD created seven primary laws:

The legal authority to dominate earth was given to mankind only.
God did not include Himself in the legal authority structure over the earth.
Man became the legal steward of the earth domain.
Man is a spirit with a physical body; therefore, only spirits with physical bodies can legally function in the earth realm.
Any spirit without a body is illegal on earth.
Any influence or interference from the supernatural realm on earth is only legal through mankind.
God Himself, who is a Spirit without a physical body, made Himself subject to this law.

The following are the results of these laws, which were established by GOD Himself:

The legal authority on earth is in the hands of humankind.
The Creator, because of His integrity, will not violate the law of His Word.
Nothing will happen in the earth realm without the active or passive permission of man, who is its legal authority.
The Creator and the heavenly beings cannot interfere in the earth realm without the cooperation or permission of mankind.
God must obtain the agreement and cooperation of a person for whatever He desires to do in the earth.

These principles are critical for understanding the nature, power and purpose of prayer. It is from these that we get our definition of prayer.

What is Prayer?
Prayer is man giving God the legal right and permission to interfere in earth’s affairs.
Prayer is a man giving heaven earthly license to influence earth.
Prayer is a terrestrial license for celestial interference.
Prayer is man exercising his legal authority on earth to invoke heaven’s influence on the planet.
Read 2 Chron. 7:14; Luke 18:1-2; Eph 6:17-18; 1 Thess 5:16-19; Matt 16:19-20; Matt 18:18-20

Prayer is therefore not an option for mankind but a necessity. If we don’t pray, heaven cannot interfere in earth’s affair. It is imperative that we take responsibility for the earth and determine what happens here by our prayer lives.

I invite you to discover your power, authority and rights in the earth and to position yourself to become a faith channel for heavenly influence in earth’s affairs.

Remember the Lord’s prayer, Matt 6:9-11.

Heaven needs you.
We need also to study and seek the word
. Read proverbs 2

Assignment: Each cell member to memorize, recite and study at least one verses every cell meeting.
Make a covenant with GOD.

Bible Study led by Elmer, October 26, 2007 Attendance 15
Reference: PRAYER, Dr. Myles Munroe

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