Does Prayer Really Work? BS -November 9, 2007, Attendance - 13
Unanswered prayer is a major obstacle that stands in the way of a life of true faith.
- People have lost their faith because of unanswered prayer.
- Some turned to horoscopes, psychics, etc.
- Others focus on materialistic things.
- We agree that prayer is important but we secretly wonder:
a. Does GOD really hear me when I pray?
b. Why is prayer so boring and fruitless for me?
c. Shouldn’t I expect my prayers to be answered?
d. Is GOD mad at me? Is that why He doesn’t answer me?
- The greatest difficulty in most believers' experience is their prayer lives.
Unanswered prayer can lead to these results:
We feel abandoned and isolated from GOD, imagining that HE doesn’t care about our problems. As a result, we begin to doubt HIS love for us and see HIM as someone who is against us.
We question GOD’s character and integrity.We begin to distrust HIM , eroding our basis for belief and causing our relationship with to suffer.
We feel as if our lives are very unsettled and unstable. We may ask, Can I really depend on GOD? What can I really count on in regard to prayer? Then we begin to rely on ourselves, or other people, groups or beliefs instead of appropriating the power and promises of GOD to meet our needs.
We come to premature conclusions about ourselves and prayers. We conclude that our prayers are not being answered because we lack faith. This means, that we don’t understand the principles and truths concerning prayer that GOD has given us in HIS word for our benefit.
We doubt our calling as GOD’s intercessors. We begin to think “answered prayer must be only for the super natural Christians”. Thus, we abandon a major purpose of GOD for our lives.
When we experience these consequences of unanswered prayer, we are tempted to ask the question posed in JOB 21:15, “What would we gain by praying to HIM?”. But the real question is ‘ What are we losing by not praying to GOD?”
A great many believers don’t have successful prayer lives- and successful lives in general- because they simply don’t know how or why to pray.
Many Christians today are experiencing powerlessness, lack of direction, little victory over sin, poor spiritual progress, a weak witness, unfruitful ministry, poverty and other similar problems because they don’t know hoe or why to pray.
Christians know certain principles of prayer, but are not fulfilling their full potential as intercessors because they don’t understand key aspects of prayer.
Prayer is not just an activity, a ritual, an obligation. Nor is it begging GOD to do what we want HIM to do. It is communion and communication with GOD that touches HIS heart. When you understand the principles of the art of prayer, you will begin to communicate with GOD with power, grace and confidence.
Prayer has the power to transform lives, change circumstances, give peace, and perseverance in the midst of trials, alter course of nations, and win the world for Christ.
The power of prayer is the inheritance of the believer.
To understand prayer, we need to recognize the following:
Prayer activity that does not bring results is an indication that something is wrong. When prayer isn’t answered, the Word of GOD generally provides an indication of why it was not answered, gives insight into the kind of prayers GOD responds to and points out what can stall our prayers.
Every prayer based on the Word of GOD and offered in faith by a person who is in right relationship with GOD is answered. GOD answers as soon as we ask and He reveals those answers in HIS timing. That is why Jesus told his disciples that they should always pray and not give up, Luke 18:1.
GOD is faithful to answer prayer. Read Mark 11:24
GOD’s will and Word do work when they are understood and put into practice. Learn how to pray in a way that embodies the truths and principles of prayer GOD has given us in His Word.
True prayer will do the following:
1. build intimacy with GOD
2. bring honor to HIS nature and character
3. cause respect for HIS integrity
4. cause a trust in HIS love
5. enable belief in HIS Word
6. Affirm HIS purposes and will
7. appropriate HIS promises
GOD is loving and gracious. He knows we have a limited understanding of Himself and His ways, and that we struggle with our fallen nature. That is why He will at times answer our prayers even when they are weak and full of doubt. However, he wants us to grow and mature. He does not want to leave us in weaknesses and uncertainty. He wants us to enter into HIS purposes, because that is where we can truly be children of our heavenly Father, work together with HIM, and live the abundant life Christ came to give us (John 10:10). Therefore, at times , He will withhold answers to prayer so we will seek HIM.
Praying without understanding and applying the truths and principles of prayers in ineffective.
Prayer is meant to be answered or else GOD would not ask us to pray.
He is not interested is wasting your time and efforts. He is too practical for that. He is interested in results, not just “many words” (matt, 6:7) spoken in prayer. Jesus didn’t pray without expecting to be heard, read John 11:41-42
We need to pray as Jesus prayed.
Questions to Cell members:
How often do I pray?
Is prayer a mystery to me?
Are there aspects of prayer that are confusing or unclear to me?
Have I experienced unanswered prayer?
How has that made me feel about prayer, about GOD, and about myself?
Am I experiencing powerlessness, lack of direction, little victory over sin, poor spiritual progress, a weak witness , unfruitful ministry, poverty, or other similar problems?
How would answered prayer make a difference in my life?
BS led by Elmer, Nov 9, 2007, Attendance - 13
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Preparing to Pray - BS October 31, 2007, Attendance - 15
Ten Steps To Preparedness in Prayer
1. Appropriate God’s Grace Leviticus 16:3 – 11
Acknowledge God’s Holiness, turn away from your sins and be cleansed through the blood of Christ. Ask the following questions:
a. Am I in a position to approach GOD in Holiness?
b. Have I examined my own life?
c. Have I been involved in things that are contrary to His word and His law of love?
Read Hebrew 10:25. This is a command.
Read Malachi 3:8-10 Asking for Financial Blessing without tithing.
Read 1 John 1:9 God’s faithfullnes to forgive sins.
Read Isiah 59:2 Iniquities
Read Psalm 19:12 Hidden sins
Read Psalm 103: 11-12 God’s promised on forgiveness.
Read Hebrew 7:27; 1 John 1:7
GOD is serious about holiness and obedience. We can’t live in sin and unbelief if we want our prayers answered.
2. Put on Rightneousness
The priest was to wear the right clothes- the clothes God said to wear. Ephesians 4:24
Why was the priest to wear Linen? Linen is a fabric that breathes, there was to be no perspiration in God’s presence, Why? It is because sweat represents rebellion against GOD, read Gen 3:17-19.
Sweat represents any attempt to reach GOD on our own merits. It means trying to work ourselves into God’s presence.
Isaiah 61:10 when we put on God’s righteousness, we can rejoice before the lord.
3. Put on Truth and Honesty
Be Transparent and clean before the Lord, desiring truth in the innermost parts and living with integrity.
Leviticus 16:4 He is to tie the linen sash around him. The sash covers the most delicate areas of your life, the parts you don’t like to talk about. The secret life only you know about. Read Psalm 51:6; Ephesians 6:14; Psalm 24:3-4
4. Cleanse with Word
Before you come before GOD, make sure that you’ve read the WORD, that the WORD is in you, and that you are obeying the WORD.
Leviticus 16:4 . These are sacred garments; so he must bathe himself with water before he puts them on.
Read John 15:3; John 17:17; Ephesians 5: 25-26 Psalm 119:9-11
You need to make sure your are in the word when you come before GOD, that the word is in you and that you are obeying the word. Otherwise, you will enter God’s presence with your own Ideas and attitudes.
Collosians 3:9
You become what you listen to. You become what you think. You become what's in your mind. If your mind is filled with the Word of GOD, then you will start becoming what it says. It will wash you.
5. Worship and Praise GOD
Honor and worship GOD in spirit and in truth (John 4:19-24), acknowledging HIM as your All in All.
Leviticus 16:12-13 Incense is the symbol of worship.
6. Separate Yourself
Remove yourself from your normal environment, activities and distractions. Find the place in GOD where He meets you by coming to him with the right heart, attitude and motives.
Leviticus 16:17
Jeremiah 29:13
God has prepared a place in HIM just for you, and you need to enter that place. If your heart, your attitude or your motives aren’t right – if there are things in your life that aren’t right – GOD says, "You are not yet in the place where I want to be."
When you make it to that place in GOD, everybody will know it because you are sparkling, Isaiah 58:8
7. Believe
Have faith in God’s power to do what He has promised and in the effectiveness of Christ’s sacrifice.
Leviticus 16: 18-19
Horn represent Power.
When you feel spiritually dry, when you are not experiencing God’s power, examine your life. Check to see if you are right with God.
Hebrew 7:27; Romans 3:25; Hebrew 9:11-14; 1 john 2;2
8. Give God the Glory
Confess that GOD is the ONE who accomplished your atonement, forgiveness, and reconciliation with HIM and is worthy to be praised. Give to Others out of the abundance GOD has given you.
Leviticus 16:25
Fat is a symbol of glory because fat is excesses.
Read Isiah 42:8 48:11
God loves Glory.
9. Wash in the Word
Ask GOD to fulfill His purposes based on HIS will and the promises of His Word
The first one is for cleansing and the second one is appropriating GOD’s promises.
Leviticus 16;26
Read Philippians 4:6
Wash yourself in the Word by asking GOD to fulfill His purposes based on his will and promises.
10. Remain in the anointing
Remain in a state of preparedness for prayer. Honor the Lord by reflecting His nature and character in your life.
Leviticus 16: 32-34
Remember to Follow his instructions and ways to remain in HIS presence.
BS October 31, 2007 - led by Elmer, Attendance - 15
1. Appropriate God’s Grace Leviticus 16:3 – 11
Acknowledge God’s Holiness, turn away from your sins and be cleansed through the blood of Christ. Ask the following questions:
a. Am I in a position to approach GOD in Holiness?
b. Have I examined my own life?
c. Have I been involved in things that are contrary to His word and His law of love?
Read Hebrew 10:25. This is a command.
Read Malachi 3:8-10 Asking for Financial Blessing without tithing.
Read 1 John 1:9 God’s faithfullnes to forgive sins.
Read Isiah 59:2 Iniquities
Read Psalm 19:12 Hidden sins
Read Psalm 103: 11-12 God’s promised on forgiveness.
Read Hebrew 7:27; 1 John 1:7
GOD is serious about holiness and obedience. We can’t live in sin and unbelief if we want our prayers answered.
2. Put on Rightneousness
The priest was to wear the right clothes- the clothes God said to wear. Ephesians 4:24
Why was the priest to wear Linen? Linen is a fabric that breathes, there was to be no perspiration in God’s presence, Why? It is because sweat represents rebellion against GOD, read Gen 3:17-19.
Sweat represents any attempt to reach GOD on our own merits. It means trying to work ourselves into God’s presence.
Isaiah 61:10 when we put on God’s righteousness, we can rejoice before the lord.
3. Put on Truth and Honesty
Be Transparent and clean before the Lord, desiring truth in the innermost parts and living with integrity.
Leviticus 16:4 He is to tie the linen sash around him. The sash covers the most delicate areas of your life, the parts you don’t like to talk about. The secret life only you know about. Read Psalm 51:6; Ephesians 6:14; Psalm 24:3-4
4. Cleanse with Word
Before you come before GOD, make sure that you’ve read the WORD, that the WORD is in you, and that you are obeying the WORD.
Leviticus 16:4 . These are sacred garments; so he must bathe himself with water before he puts them on.
Read John 15:3; John 17:17; Ephesians 5: 25-26 Psalm 119:9-11
You need to make sure your are in the word when you come before GOD, that the word is in you and that you are obeying the word. Otherwise, you will enter God’s presence with your own Ideas and attitudes.
Collosians 3:9
You become what you listen to. You become what you think. You become what's in your mind. If your mind is filled with the Word of GOD, then you will start becoming what it says. It will wash you.
5. Worship and Praise GOD
Honor and worship GOD in spirit and in truth (John 4:19-24), acknowledging HIM as your All in All.
Leviticus 16:12-13 Incense is the symbol of worship.
6. Separate Yourself
Remove yourself from your normal environment, activities and distractions. Find the place in GOD where He meets you by coming to him with the right heart, attitude and motives.
Leviticus 16:17
Jeremiah 29:13
God has prepared a place in HIM just for you, and you need to enter that place. If your heart, your attitude or your motives aren’t right – if there are things in your life that aren’t right – GOD says, "You are not yet in the place where I want to be."
When you make it to that place in GOD, everybody will know it because you are sparkling, Isaiah 58:8
7. Believe
Have faith in God’s power to do what He has promised and in the effectiveness of Christ’s sacrifice.
Leviticus 16: 18-19
Horn represent Power.
When you feel spiritually dry, when you are not experiencing God’s power, examine your life. Check to see if you are right with God.
Hebrew 7:27; Romans 3:25; Hebrew 9:11-14; 1 john 2;2
8. Give God the Glory
Confess that GOD is the ONE who accomplished your atonement, forgiveness, and reconciliation with HIM and is worthy to be praised. Give to Others out of the abundance GOD has given you.
Leviticus 16:25
Fat is a symbol of glory because fat is excesses.
Read Isiah 42:8 48:11
God loves Glory.
9. Wash in the Word
Ask GOD to fulfill His purposes based on HIS will and the promises of His Word
The first one is for cleansing and the second one is appropriating GOD’s promises.
Leviticus 16;26
Read Philippians 4:6
Wash yourself in the Word by asking GOD to fulfill His purposes based on his will and promises.
10. Remain in the anointing
Remain in a state of preparedness for prayer. Honor the Lord by reflecting His nature and character in your life.
Leviticus 16: 32-34
Remember to Follow his instructions and ways to remain in HIS presence.
BS October 31, 2007 - led by Elmer, Attendance - 15
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Sienna's Activities for Nov and Dec 2007
Schedule of Cell group activities for November and December 2007
Oct 31...................................Cell meeting - Bible Study
..............................................Presentation of First Draft:
..............................................Vision & objectives re: Proposed Couples Ministry
Nov 2... Fri..... 7pm............. Praise, Worship and Prayer
........7... Wed... 8:30............ Praise, Worship and Prayer
.......9.... Fri..... 7:00............ TGIF
.....14....Wed... 8:30............ Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....16... Fri...... 8:30........... Cell meeting (Bible Study)
.....21....Wed....8:30........... Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....23....Fri......9:00........... Cell meeting (Bible Study)
.....28....Wed...8:30........... Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....30 Fri, 2:00 Brainstorming, Final Drafting, Tagaytay
Dec 5 Wed, 8:30 Thanksgiving
7 Fri, 7:00 TGIF
8 Sat, Presentation of proposal/plan to PJun
14 Fri 9:00 Cell Meeting (BS and evaluation)
15 Sat Kuya Danny's birthday!
21 Fri 9:00 Cell meeting (BS & party planning)
Chris' birthday!
22 Sat 7:00 Sienna - Christmas Party
Oct 31...................................Cell meeting - Bible Study
..............................................Presentation of First Draft:
..............................................Vision & objectives re: Proposed Couples Ministry
Nov 2... Fri..... 7pm............. Praise, Worship and Prayer
........7... Wed... 8:30............ Praise, Worship and Prayer
.......9.... Fri..... 7:00............ TGIF
.....14....Wed... 8:30............ Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....16... Fri...... 8:30........... Cell meeting (Bible Study)
.....21....Wed....8:30........... Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....23....Fri......9:00........... Cell meeting (Bible Study)
.....28....Wed...8:30........... Praise, Worship and Prayer
.....30 Fri, 2:00 Brainstorming, Final Drafting, Tagaytay
Dec 5 Wed, 8:30 Thanksgiving
7 Fri, 7:00 TGIF
8 Sat, Presentation of proposal/plan to PJun
14 Fri 9:00 Cell Meeting (BS and evaluation)
15 Sat Kuya Danny's birthday!
21 Fri 9:00 Cell meeting (BS & party planning)
Chris' birthday!
22 Sat 7:00 Sienna - Christmas Party
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